Usually when we have a girls’ night out, it’s GIRLS only! But Saturday night we changed tradition when we invited our boys to come out with us. Well, actually Cheryl changed things because she invited us all over to her house for a dinner party. How exciting – a chance for the guys to see what a girls’ night out is all about and an opportunity for the guys to hang out together. I had just got a new camera (again - my other new one could not be repaired for a rea$onable price) and tried out the timer feature. It worked at home just fine except I don't know what that bright strip is on my arm! Mike and I were the first to get to Cheryl and Pat’s and I had to take a picture of her lovely table. Isn’t her dining room gorgeous?? We gathered around the kitchen table to enjoy drinks and a spinach artichoke dip with chips and relax before dinner. That’s Julie, Beth, Pat, Bob and Mike. Soon enough we sat down to enjoy a Caesar salad, lasagna and French bread, followed by pistachio ice cream. Yum! And after all that Cheryl brought out some photo albums. From many, many years ago with pictures of most of us in them. We laughed and laughed. And I made a short video – but everyone looks very grumpy watching me make a video. If you want a giggle, check it out!
Beyond the heart
3 days ago
At least nowadays you don't have an extension cord, 4 hot flood lights on a light bar, ready to give everyone an instant sunburn..
How times have changed, but not the mood of people being (filmed) what's the current word ?
And another cool thing about today's technology is that you don't have to set up a screen and projector, get a good seat, turn out the lights and watch the "movie."
How fun. Nice conversation, great friends and a video to boot. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
Thanks Glo! We did have an excellent time. Even though they all were razzing me about the pictures from when we were in our 20s and they thought I was outta my mind. Maybe I was/am!
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