One of those people is Teresa from Lake Stevens (north of Seattle, Washington.) I wrote about her earlier this month because she is going to do the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk this September. While we had never met, Teresa is out there commenting on many of the Mexican blogs I read and it felt like I already knew her. She has been a volunteer English teacher in Mexico and she’s from the area I lived in for most of my life. This weekend Teresa made a special visit to Salem and I finally got to spend some “live” time with her. What a neat lady! Of course, Mike fell for her and I had a tough time keeping them apart...

She is just like I had expected and we gabbed and gabbed and ate and ate! And last night we met up with Mr. Steve Cotton who treated us to dinner at Bentley’s Grill in downtown Salem. It was so neat to trade stories about each of our Mexican adventures, as well as our American adventures. All four of us love to talk and it was fun to watch the turn-taking. Thank you Steve!

This morning Teresa treated me to breakfast at Busick Court, another downtown restaurant. It was yummy (I had heuvos rancheros) and a nice place for 2 gals to drink coffee and chat. Thank you Teresa! But before we knew it, it was time for Teresa to head out of Salem and on to her friends’ place south of here.
It was a good weekend. It was another confirmation for me that blogging is more than just writing…it’s about people.

(By the way, if any other bloggers want to visit Salem and take me out to eat just let me know!)
How great that ya'll got together! And thanks for the photos - it's always nice to put a face with the writing. Theresa is beautiful - both in her writing and in her being........
It is an interesting phenomena - this blogging thing.
We never did to talk about behavioral interviewing. Maybe when I meet Sitka before I head south.
That's a nice story.
Looks like fun was had by all!
So great to see pix of Teresa and Steve, and hear about your meet-up!
The first time I met Teresa, she and her son Chris swam out to our boat in Chacala Bay because she recognized it from my blog! I was cooking breakfast and I looked out thinking somebody in a dinghy had come by, and there they were, dogpaddling and welcoming us. We're talking WAY out in the Bay, too!
I've told her she should do a blog, too, she has a very interesting life and is very physically active, with dancing, hiking and snow sports... Well, that's probably why she doesn't blog, she's too busy!
By the way, she makes the best flan I've ever had. Being Cuban gives her an edge, of course.
Babs - Teressa is indeed beautiful. Hope you get to Guaymas/San Carlos sometime in the near future so you can meet some other great people!
Steve - Remind me to tell you about my interview this past Monday at a law firm...CARAMBA!
Overboard - Thanks for stopping by!
Mommy - Fun indeed...Teresa made me realize how much I need a GIRLFRIEND here in Salem!
Bliss - Your post about Teresa and Chris is one of the reasons I "met" Teresa way last year! And we were just talking about it on Sunday. Small world...
I think it's great that you are meeting people that you blog with. I saw one of those pix on Steve's blog. How does it feel being back in the USA and how ironic that you are there and Steve is leaving now. Or maybe sad. By the way, thx for stopping by my blog, you're always welcome. Take care.
Gloria - It's cold and WET here - I love it! And yes, it IS ironic that Steve is soon leaving for Mexico. But he's a Pacific Northwesterner at heart and so am I. We can't wait to hear his tales from SOB.
Cynthia and Mike,
I really enjoy keeping track of you two. I am sorry we didn't meet, back in Carnation or here, in Mexico. I really enjoyed your post.
Linda Lou - Why thank you! And we like keeping track of you two as well. It's neat to hear about Alamos and all that you do there. And if you're ever headed this way, Salem is right off I-5 on the way to Carnation...
Ruth - What a nice comment...thank you and I'm glad you like it!
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