A year ago today Mike and I were in Mexico City. Our intentions were to take a 5-day business trip to interview for English teaching positions and to decide whether we really wanted to live in Mexico City. If you’ve been following our blog you know the story…
On March 18, 2008 our lives changed in ways we still have not realized. Mike had 2 seizures, 2 brain surgeries and we learned that an arachnoid cyst (yup, it is like a spiderweb) is growing on his brain. The surgeries went well and 3 weeks later we were back home in Duvall, WA. We went forward with our plan, moved to Mexico City and accepted the teaching jobs. But soon other events transpired and for the past month and a half we have been living in Salem, OR.
Mike’s recovery has been slow. But slow and steady. By taking anti-seizure medications every 8 hours he probably won’t have any more seizures. And with the implant in his head the fluid in the cyst will (hopefully) drain automatically and not cause any issues.
The unknown element is Mike’s vision which has dramatically diminished since the surgeries. He can’t use his laptop for more that 15 minutes or so – and that is with large font. He can’t read a newspaper or the mail. He seems to have a blind spot in his right eye and while he is looking straight at an object his right eye does not see it. His equilibrium has also been affected and he has a difficult time walking on anything uneven, or climbing and descending stairs. And Sitka – she is so big – he is continually tripping over her or her big floor pillow.
I cannot imagine the challenges Mike faces everyday. But he presses on. He makes me laugh. He gets mad when I sing too loud (or too often.) He loves to watch John Wayne movies. He can still be as ornery as hell. He tells me he loves me everyday. And I cannot imagine life without him.
Hi Cynthia and Mike -- just stopping by to catch up. Hope Mike is doing well and that the job hunt is also.
So you want posts from us water logged Seattle-ites????? Smile, yes it's raining this morning, but I do see flowers sprouting up: daffodils, crocuses, and some trees are blossoming so Spring is in the air! Seattle is so great in the spring...hugs to both of you as you transition into Oregon life!!! any new job leads??? take care, love & hugs Jackie & Kurt
Jill - it's good to hear from you and thanks for the job hunting tips...see the email I just sent you.
Jackie - HELLO Seattle! We also have the sprouting bulbs and trees magically turning green once again. I love spring! See my next post about job hunting...
If you haven't already checked out Arachnoid Cyst Awareness, here is the link: www.arachnoidcystawareness.com
Arachnoid Cyst Awareness is a website and organization bringing support to all AC patients. We would love to have you stop by.
Mike in a tie!? On another planet? Mike at AT&T?
Just having survived this last year was quite an accomplishment for you both, and I'm glad to have had a small part in it. His challenges have been huge. But what I've seen in him is a determination to enjoy life, a delightful quirky sense of humor and more heart than almost any guy I know. Just keep taking great care of him, and give him a hug for me.
Anonymous - Thank you for the link. Just hearing that other people have some of the same symptoms as Mike is helpful to him. He no longer has to think he is imagining things or that he is going crazy. We always thought it was the anti-seizure meds that make him wacky, but it seems that it's the cysts doing as well! Thanks for the support.
Bliss - That was Mike giving his final presentation during our Teaching English as a Second Language coursework - isn't he handsome?! He looks a lot different than when you saw him in a tank top and shorts trying to kiss and hug you all the time, huh? He's hanging in there and I'll go hug him right now.
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