I'm the luckiest girl in the world! I am healthy, I am safe, I enjoy freedom, I have a great dog, I work for a wonderful, caring Principal (doing something I have never done before), and I have everything I need.
But most importantly, my friend, my partner, my other half - Mike - loves me and spoils me. On this Friday afternoon not only did I come home to a sparkling apt, with our clothes hanging on the clothes line, but I came home to roses. There was no special reason...just beautiful roses from my baby.
It sure puts things in perspective...
Wow!! How wonderful of your husband. It shows just how much he loves you. You are lucky and I am happy for you.
You two are building such a great life for yourselves....ahhhhhhhhhhhh love you, Jackie
That's really cool! I think you are both pretty lucky, myself.
Way to go Mike, what a nice thing to do.
What a prince! You deserve them, too. Hope your week at school went a little smoother and the little darlings were good.
Sounds like a winner! You should keep him around for a while. :)
Ohhh Geez. What are you doing to that poor man. You better send him up here to the Rob Reed school of manhood in Seattle. I'll get him back on the path to Masculine dominance. Laundry and housecleaning whats next basket weaving. HAHAHAHA
Flowers we can tolerate but the chores go to go Mike!!!!
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