I let Sitka out to “do her business” before I left for school and, as usual, she headed toward our “back yard” area without a leash. Once she was done we went back toward the apt and just as we were about to step up over the threshold, she turned her head and STARED out at the street, not budging. I looked and about 50 feet away I saw a BIG chicken walking down the sidewalk – in el Centro Guaymas!
Luckily, I was able to grab Sitka’s collar and get her into the apt. I don’t think she would hurt the BIG chicken, but it’s a busy street at 7am and I didn’t want her running into traffic.
But I was so curious that I grabbed my camera and here’s what I saw (the gated parking lot is for Hotel Ana; double click this pic for the BIG chicken and the truck curiously loaded with oranges):

Lol, people tend to keep chickens in town here. We used to have a couple of roosters and some chickens on our street. One day a couple of boys came along and grabbed the roosters, stuffed them into 5 gallon buckets, put the lids on the buckets and took off with them on their bicycles. I assume to use for cock fights; but I am not sure. I was watching out the window and had a good laugh over this. Anyway after that we had no more baby chicks and eventually the chickens just disappeared one by one. Into the soup pot or where, I have no idea. I have no idea who they belonged to as they were totally free range chickens. It is much quieter in the neighborhood without the roosters though and I don't miss them.
Where I live its not unusual to see and hear chickens and roosters. Most neighbors have the chicken laying type and some have the roosters. I'm used to the cluck cluck and the cock a doodle do. I guess Sitka was visualizing a plate on your table with that chicken on it. hahaha. Take care.
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