I just completed my first Self-Evaluation and individual Evaluations for each of my 24 students. Whewwww! Luckily, I am a fast typer because there was a lot to write. But I like this kind of stuff. It will be fun to re-read these at the end of the year and reflect back on how it went.
The Self-Evaluation helped me to remember what has worked and what has not worked. Some of my activities just flopped - especially with the 3 year olds.
Luckily we have a new volunteer Teacher Assistant who is bilingual and she is now part of my class with the 4 year olds. Her role is to provide my instructions in Spanish. This is very helpful because these children don't seem to understand or care what I am saying to them.
The 5 year olds are my favorites and it feels like I am really teaching them. With the younger ones, I'm not sure they are learning much English. I've discussed this with Elsa and she reminds me that just being exposed to English helps them to learn English.
Overall, I'm satisfied with myself, although I am surprised at how much time is required to be a teacher.
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
For every hour of teaching - you could easily spend 1-3 hours prepping especially the first year.
It will be so much easier next year ...
Congrats! You are a hard worker and very dedicated.
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