We made it to Salem this afternoon! The drive through the mountains after leaving Medford was somewhat treacherous with steep grades both up and down. Plus, it was cold and SNOWING! Luckily, Mike was napping so I just told Sitka to relax and we took it nice and easy. Boy, I was glad to hit the lower elevation and cruise north into Salem.
That is until I noticed that my gas gauge was right on E. E for EMPTY! By now Mike was awake and we figured we’d just have to see how low our gas gauge would go. We got gas in Salem and our 15 gallon tank took 16.7 gallons!
We called our new landlords, Betty and Ron, and told them we were close. Their house (and our basement apt) has a driveway on a fairly busy street so they were literally stopping traffic for us when we pulled up. When I saw the driveway I needed to back down into and all the cars that were now waiting I panicked! Thank goodness Ron jumped in the driver’s seat and got the truck and trailer down his driveway without a problem. THANK YOU RON!
The apt is PERFECT and Sitka is already sacked out here next to me. It’s colder here than we remember, but we have a nice electric fireplace and the apt is warm and cozy. We love it! Now all I need is a job. Tomorrow we’ll unpack some more stuff and I’ll put out some more resumes.
It is almost surreal to think that last Sunday we were in Mexico wearing shorts and today we are in the USA wearing jeans and sweaters - Mike acutally has his leather jacket on. And last night we feasted at Red Lobster…Mike finally got the steak he had been dreaming about and I had lobster. Yum! Good service and good food.
Oh and by the way, my best friend, Cheryl, clarified for me that the Super Bowl is NEXT Sunday…hahaha…see how out of touch I was? Pics of Betty and Ron to follow. And meet up with blogger Steve Cotton will hopefully happen soon…stay tuned for more from Salem!
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
so glad you are home safe and sound. your new friends/landlords sound like very nice people. did you meet them through blogging?
funny, i was at safeway today and i asked the guy who was in front of me at the checkout, who is in the super bowl. he told me the steelers and cardinals. i had no clue where the cardinals are from you can tell i'm not living with steve or any man) so i asked him as well as asking at what time the game started. he told me it is next week. i wondered when i read your other post why they would have changed it back to the last sunday in jan. since for years they've been having it the first sunday in feb. does mike like football? i'm sure there will be plenty of places to watch the super bowl if that interests him.
good luck on the job search, but try to take a few days to relax first. after all you did get there one day early.
tu amiga,
Welcome to Salem.
You are correct: it is unusually cold -- due to both the temperature and the humidity. But we should soon have some nice cool Oregon rain.
Look forward to talking with you tomorrow.
Hey Cynthia and Mike. (And Sitka too) Glad to hear you guys are back in the NW again. If you guys want to get in touch with me I am on Facebook, and my email is billybobcookson@yahoo.com.
Wish you guys the best and lots of happiness.
Bill Cookson
Glad to hear you made it safe and sound.
Glad you made it safe and sound. Hope your new life goes well.
Good luck with the job search.
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