I could not believe it. I was driving home from the Preschool today and Lou Rawls’ sweet, deep voice came over the radio with You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine (in English no less!) Try YouTube to hear a great live version!
I had to crank it and rock out on the way home. When I got here Mike was outside with Sitka and he told me to TURN IT DOWN! Hahahaha…I’m in Mexico – music is LOUD here.
On another note, today is the Epiphany, the celebration of the coming of the three wise men to Bethlehem for Baby Jesus. From Google:
In Spain and certain parts of Latin America, children (and many adults) polish and leave their shoes ready for the Kings' presents before they go to bed on the eve of January 6. Sweet wine, nibbles, fruit and milk are left for the Kings and their camels. In Mexico, it is traditional for children to leave their shoes, along with a letter with toy requests for the Three Kings, by the family nativity scene or by their beds. In some parts of northern Mexico the shoes and letters are left under the Christmas tree. The shoes may be filled with hay for the camels, so that the Kings will be generous with their gifts.
In the afternoon or evening of the same day the ritual of the Rosca de reyes/Roscón de Reyes is shared with family and friends. The Rosca or Roscón is a type of pastry made with orange blossom water and butter, and decorated with candied fruit. Baked inside is a small doll representing the baby Jesus.
In Mexico, the person who finds the doll in their piece of rosca must throw a party on February 2, "Candelaria Day," offering tamales and atole (a hot sweet drink thickened with corn flour) to the guests.
Flash back to my classroom today…This afternoon 2 teachers brought me a piece of cake while I was teaching. I didn’t know what it was for so I started eating it. Before long THE DOLL fell out of the cake! Of course, I had no idea what that meant. When I showed the doll to another teacher she started laughing and she tried to explain what it meant. I didn’t understand her at all. Especially when she started taking about tamales! Later I showed it to the one Spanish teacher that knows some English and then I finally understood.
Lastly, you may wonder why we picked Salem, Oregon USA to make our new home. A lot of it had to do with blogger, Steve Cotton, who I have added to my blogroll. Steve is an attorney in Salem who is retiring soon and moving to Mexico. I have been reading his lively and entertaining blog for a year or so and I feel like I know him. Steve has made many comments on my blog and we have shared a few emails. Steve also has an older dog, Prof. Jiggs, and as a doggie person I connect with him in that regard.
There is something “unwritten” about his hometown that is appealing…close to Seattle, yet not as expensive; big city (about 150,000 peeps) with a small town feel; environmentally forward; close to the Pacific, and I-5; rainy and grey (what else can a Seattleite say about that feature?); and the people we have “met online,” Betty and Ron who have extended an offer for us to live in the daylight basement apt of their home.
Check out Steve’s blog. No matter if you live in Oregon, Mexico, or where ever I think you will find it to be good reading!
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
Thank you very much. That was most kind. I look forward to meeting the three of you in person -- or one, in paw-son.
Let's make it happen!
Oh, good, you have a place to stay when you get there. I had pictured you trudging through the snow looking at apartments after all that traveling and it sounded like such an ordeal.
Glad to hear that you have somewhere to hang your hat when you get there.
Good luck.
That baby in the cake you found - Hmmm I suspect you were setup. The first year we were here we got two (a setup for sure - the unsuspecting new people).
Last night thinking I am smarter than this - I demanded to be the first person to cut into the ring - anywhere I so choose. I did - and darn if I didn't get a plastic baby - grrrr.
The good news is the agreement was getting a baby in this case only required bringing something to a community party (pot luck).
A few years ago when we were setup we held the entire party.
All in good fun - But by February 2nd the parties have mounted up - just that one more until November ;-)
Oh and many years ago I operated a Stereo Store (that's what we called them in those days) in Salem. A lovely town - just big enough - not too big; very progressive and best of all Steve lives there - well for the moment.
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