Yesterday the much awaited truck and trailer license renewal tabs were delivered to us via our old friend, the United States Postal Service! We have been waiting for these so that our trailer will be legal again and our truck tabs expire in February anyway so now we are all set.
I have begun packing and Mike and I are strategizing about how to most efficiently pack the truck and trailer. We've decided to leave a few things behind...including the file cabinet Mike got me for my birthday.

Our TV and DVD player received several dings and dents with the moves up and down the two flights of cement stairs in the Mexico City condo disaster so we are also leaving these behind. Plus, the TV is older and not compatible with the new frequencies so we'll need a new model anyway.
The microwave is also staying in Mexico. It cost us about $50 when Mike and I bought it when we got married 1998 - I hadn't owned one as a single gal! I used to cook the old fashioned way.
We're also "recycling" many, many things by setting them on the ground next to Lolita's garbage can out on Calle 25. I like to put things out (yesterday a broken ironing board, a basketball that no longer holds air, a box of English language activity sheets I had printed for teaching) and see how quickly they disappear. And I had to laugh as I watched 3 boys on bicycles stop to look at the box of language activity sheets. Somehow one of the boys managed to prop the box on his handlebars, all 3 boys turned their bikes around and they headed back the way they had come. Their smiles were HUGE! I hope they find the activities helpful in learning English.
Today I'll finish packing clothes - remembering to keep sweatshirts and long pants easily available and stashing the shorts and tank tops. Tomorrow I'll attack the kitchen and just about be done. Monday we'll attempt to empty and close our bank account and see about exchanging our pesos for dollars. Is our bank the best way to do that?? I hate to see how much we "lose" now that the dollar is so strong.
I'll arrange to have our US auto insurance reactivated, buy extra meds for Mike, get doggie food for Sitka and we may be outta here Tuesday morning.
How much do you want for the file cabinet?
Sorry to see you two heading back to the U.S.
Best of luck.
We have been having some nice clear days in Salem. That means cold, clear days. Keep the warm clothes handy.
didn't think you'd be leaving that soon but i am sure you must be eager to get started. glad your tags came sooner than later. as i said in my last e-mail, i'll answer your most recent one on monday. still very busy here but wanted to check your blog. glad all is going so well. i haven't had a microwave since steve and i separated and i also let him have the t.v. i am doing fine without either. brenda recently gave me a t.v. and vcr/dvd player so i am going to start watching movies.
take care,
I'm still sorry to see you guys go, but I'm happy that you're happy. safe travels!
Welcome to salem Cynthia and Mike.
Good luck to you both, we´ll be thinking of you!
Nancy & Paul
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