We’re up early and rarin’ to go! Mike cleaned and cleaned this apartment and it is sparkling. I said my good-byes to my friends at work. We packed the final load of the truck/canopy and trailer yesterday afternoon. Ron and Betty did a final walk-through inspection of the apartment last night. We walked down to Burger King and got some chow. We watched a little TV and then we crashed.
Now we’re gathering our stuff and putting a fresh bandana on Sitka – she must look her best for our arrival in Seattle! Our internet is scheduled to be hooked up on Monday so we may be incognito for a few days.
Salem has been good. Thank you to all the cool Oregonians we met and hung out with while we were here. And now…on to new adventures…
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
the last 2 years have definitely been an adventure for you guys. you have a great day for a trip to seattle as it is gorgeous out. hope the weather is good on the way as well. have fun setting up your new place.
i look forward to seeing you, maybe sometime in june.
Take care, be safe and onward to good things. Enjoy.
::waving to Sitka::
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