Mike had a good day in the hospital, gaining strength, eating and resting. His neurologist came to check on him this evening and he will adjust Mike’s anti-seizure meds. But he wants to see blood test results in the morning before talking about releasing Mike from Salem Hospital.
It’s hard to have him in the hospital, but it’s the safest place for him. And if his anti-seizure meds aren’t at the level needed to prevent seizures there is no sense in Mike going anywhere. (Now…if I could only convince Mike of this…)
Thanks for the calls, emails and comments. The support is very much appreciated. I thought we were past all this darn seizure nonsense, but the last few days serve as a reminder that Mike has an arachnoid cyst that can raise its ugly head at any time. Ugh.
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
glad to hear he is doing better. i will continue praying for you both.
take care,
Wow, so sorry to hear about this! Prayers for Mike and you. Hope he's back on his feet soon!
Hopefully they get his meds adjusted and he continues to improve. All the best to you both.
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