I made it through Week Three! And the week ended on a good note. My trainer and I agreed to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and let all the new info digest in my frozen brain. By Friday my confidence had returned and we are pushing forward, just at a more relaxed pace. Next week my team is having a Welcome Breakfast for me and my boss is taking me to lunch at the Capitol. The Legislature is in so it should be quit busy and I’m curious to see the “grandness” of it all.
One thing that kept me going this week was a plan to go fishing with Mike’s new friend, Mike, on his boat. (See Bob and Mike and Mike.) I made cookies last night and we had Mike’s fishing gear all ready to go. We got up at 5:00 – after being awakened around 2:00 to crackling thunder and lightening flashes – and the rain was still beating down. Nevertheless, we showered and got ready to hook up with Mike. The rain actually stopped for a while and I pulled out the sandwich fixin’s…however, the pounding rain quickly resumed.
Mike called Mike and we decided we didn’t want the memory of our first fishing trip in a boat on a lake in Oregon to include a rain storm…so we’ll have to wait for another weekend.
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
I was just looking at your bike again. I am not sure it is a pink flower bike. I think you should go with yellow and maybe one or two small bright orange accent flowers. When you attach them, be sure you twist them outward a little so when people see you coming they also see the pretty open flowers and not the plastic stems all twisted up inside the wire basket. You will be the hit of the capitol campus!
Too bad about the delay in your trip to the lake. Hope you can reschedule soon. Look forward to hearing all about your Capitol visit! See you soon!
Glad you got things going at your job. Sounds like you are adjusting very well to working again. I don't know if I would be able to adjust as easy as you. You are also getting your daily exercise with the bike. Enjoy your daily rides, your building muscle. Have a great week and enjoy your welcome party.
Yep, things are looking good...it looks like it may drizzle this morning so I'll take the bus today. I like the idea of putting flowers in my basket...now to find the perfect ones...
A bit late but Heartfelt Congrats on the Job!
Husband looking. It S-cks ...
AMM - Gracias...
I'd advise Husband to do anything creative that will make him stick out amoung all the others. (And PRACTICE for those goofy Behaviorial Interviewing panel interviews!) In Oregon there are 5 applicants for every job...ay, yi, yi...
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