It’s gotten close to home. Maybe. A student at Western Oregon University (in Monmouth, about 15 miles southwest of Salem) tested positive for influenza and there is a high probability that it is H1N1. (I like that name better. It sounds so science fictiony…) So the school is closed today and all sporting events to be held on campus have been cancelled through Monday.
Other than that, I’m not aware of any other concerns about H1N1 in our area. I haven’t seen any masks or anything else that indicates people are doing anything other than their normal activities.
It does kind of creep me out knowing that people are dying from the flu. But Bliss does give some interesting stats about flu...What's happening in YOUR area?
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
Our dinner in La Manzanilla went well. The restaurant got around the gathering ban by moving the tables to the beach. An elegant Mexican solution.
Cynthia - It seems a little reactionary, to close schools and cancel sporting events for one unconfirmed case. But that's what's happening all over. Imagine what it's like in a household with kids.
So far, zero cases in Sonora.
Steve - AMM's post and your post were a delight to read. I just wish Mike and I could have been there!
Bliss - Agreed, but last night when I heard H1N1 might be just 15 miles away it made is seem a lot more real. CARAMBA!
Brenda - Good to hear. I keep thinking about all my kids at St. Mary's Preschool - what in the world are their parents doing with them since they're not in school?!
The bay area has some cases, 4 I think and Tracy about 30 minutes away now has a case, a woman. It is scary and I am trying to take precautions without being panicky. Take care.
Gloria - "without being paicky" - I agree, that is the way to go!
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