Wow, that wild and crazy Mike! Make sure he's got his gloves for your next dog park expedition, maybe a leather suit, too. Bet you're both cooling off in the WA weather.
I'm in the Puerto Vallarta area now, getting ready to sail even farther south. Great to see your picture and to know you're happy with your new place.
Jim Morrison said, “There are things known and things unknown, and in between are the doors."
We like to open doors. No guts, no glory. Nothing worth having comes easily. A penny saved is a penny earned.
From May 2008 to May 2010 we drove from Seattle to Mexico City, to Guaymas, Mexico, to Salem, Oregon and now back home to Seattle. There are many unknowns and we’re searching for the answers.
Wow, that wild and crazy Mike! Make sure he's got his gloves for your next dog park expedition, maybe a leather suit, too. Bet you're both cooling off in the WA weather.
I'm in the Puerto Vallarta area now, getting ready to sail even farther south. Great to see your picture and to know you're happy with your new place.
Hey Bliss! We saw that you and Jim hooked up with Nancy and Paul again in Maz. The weather here in Salem is great - rainy and cool! Sail on, sailor!
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