I can’t sleep tonight. How weird. I usually have no problem falling out as soon as I hit the proverbial hay.
My week was very stressful – worrying about Sitka, finding Sitka, getting behind on my Lesson Plans, needing to complete my end of month reports, worrying about Mike’s health, wondering how much more we have lost in our 401(k) and IRA accounts, guessing at the US Presidential election outcome (we sent our ballots in in October.) Even while in laid back Mexico there are many things to consider.
So here I am listening to Mike’s snoring and the barking street dogs.
We have been here in Guaymas since mid-June. We have celebrated the Fourth o’ July, Mexican Independence Day, Mike’s birthday, United Nations Day, Dia de los Muertos (no kids came to our door trick or treating) and we’re wondering what Thanksgiving will entail.
I started this blog one year ago, November 1, 2007. I just read some of the older posts. What a trip! How much more drama can there be? I hope our story has been interesting. Stay tuned…
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
Cyn - I know where you can buy a turkey if you want one, other side of town. Cranberry sauce, well I could bring you a can. Just tell me if you like chunky or smooth.
Happy Anniversary!
Soon I will be starting my fifth year Blogging - looking back is always great fun or at least interesting.
Happy one year of blogging with the world. Don't worry too much, things always smooth out. Have a great Sunday.Come to my blog and see my ofrenda for my family. Take care
Hope the upcoming year will be less stressful.
Have a good day.
Congratulations! We've been blogging more or less the same length of time. I haven't done much looking back but I bet my posts have changed too.
Congratulations! How do you feel in hindsight about all the changes in your life? Are you happy with your decision to move to Guyamas?
We just had our two year blogging anniversary and I have been thinking about a "look back" post, too.
By the way, I am SO happy Sitka is back safe and sound.
Interesting is an understatement!
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