Thursday, July 3, 2008

Born to Teach!

I gave my first English lesson for my little neighbors today! This is German, Aranza, and Gerardo. They are staying at Hotel Ana in a separate “house” that shares our driveway/parking area. We have seen them playing outside everyday so today Mike and I invited them in.

We used crayons in coloring books and stickers in sticker books. Mike “supervised” and Sitka basically got in everyone’s way! We had some cokes and chocolates wrapped up like dineros.

But the most fun was playing Hangman. It’s a game in which you guess a secret word by guessing the individual letters in the word. We played in Spanish and in English. I learned some new words and they learned some new words.

Unfortunately, they are leaving today with their parents to go to Mazatlan for a month before heading home to Mexico City. We fell in love with all of them and Mike gave each one of them one of his baseball caps as well as the coloring books, crayons and stickers. They were a joy to be around as we all stumbled through each other’s language.

Adios mis amigos.


Calypso said...

Send those ninos to Nancy & Paul's casa in Mazatlan - they will continue their lessons I'm sure. ;-)

Juan Calypso

Brenda Maas said...

Sounds like fun.
Too bad R. from Scotland wants a 2 bedroom place or that would have been a good place for him. Then you guys could have commuted together. lol
If you ever want to get together for a coffee, just email me or come on over.

Unknown said...

Cynth & Mike, what a great know at Mick's friends in Zihuatanejo that is what we did, the second grader brought me out his English books and he practiced English while I practices my Spanish is was just my speed!!! Keeps us in touch with the 'fun of learning', I'll remember this: I am currently doing some training to do video relay interpreting, which I am not in touch with the'fun of learning' it's more like 'what the hell' how do I juggle the technology, interpreting and the business side of things...feeels like learning to drive a stick shift car when I was 17, but even then my sis & I laughed til we cried in the process!!!!! Thanks for the reminder to play while I learn, love you guys Jackie