So who are you?? Are you family, friends, new friends, strangers, or WHAT?? If you don't know, there is a link at the bottom of each post that is for "Comments" - so if you read this tonight, please leave us a comment!!!
Enough of my ranting and I'll post some more pics...

It's not a great pic, but that's ME in front of the building for Inter Act, the school in which Mike and I will teach English in Mexico City. And forewarning - if you come to visit, watch that curb - it is HUGE!

And this is a pic of a house in a regular neighborhood. Notice the barbed barrier between the rooftops of the different buildings as well as the barbs on the fence in front of what looks like a terrace. This would be an unusual site in Seattle - let alone our small town of Duvall.

Mike and I have been ardent recyclers for many years. But I was surprised at the tenacity of the recyclers I saw in Mexico City. I'm not sure if they work for the city or not, but every day we would hear and see a man walking down the street ringing a large bell. Following this bell ringer would be a garbage collection truck. And I think the ringer was letting the neighborhood know that it was time to bring their garbage to the curb. The very cool thing was watching the men on the truck actively recycling/sorting the garbage into piles of cardboard, glass, plastic, etc. as they collected the garbage. I'm sure it is not pleasant work, and not at all like our recycling in the states, but it sure seems to get the job done. HATS OFF TO THE RECYCLERS OF MEXICO CITY!!

I saw many dogs in Mexico City - many of them were white poodles which surprised me. But I also saw some that lived in the gargages of auto shops like these 2 which were across the street from the hospital. I watched these 2 dogs day and night. During the day they snoozed and snoozed, but when their Papa pulled up late at night (or occasionally during the day) the JUMPED TO LIFE! And I won't forget the day that Mike bent over to pet a melancholy small dog lazing on the sidewalk and it JUMPED AT HIM, barley missing a bite into him. Can you imagine rabies shots after brain surgery??
I have a couple more pics I want to share, but you'll have to wait til my next post. Now remember - we want to see some comments!
Buenos noches!
I love the pictures and am so excited for you guys. What is your timeline? DO you just need to wait for your house to sell?
Now I need to go feed a few hungry babies.
Hasta Luego,
How exciting! Those barbed fences would look completely out of place here too in Canada! Can't wait to see the next round of pictures.
I always comment on your posts, so you already know who I am... :)
Who am I? My name is Theresa, I live in Merida,Yucatan,Mexico. I have 2 blogs What do I do all day" which is about my life. And Theresa's Cooking Blog which is about cooking as an expat.
I found your blog because you had made and interesting comment on someone else's blog. I got hooked and have been checking your blog almost daily ever since.
Oh, those " iron fences" are called guardevecinos (nieghbor guards). The ones on the windows and doors are just called rejas (grates). When I was in Panama City, I saw concertina wire on the walls between houses, here in Merida, you often see broken glass embedded into the walls.
Ahhh Theresa, I also know you from your What I do all day blog and your comments about the Husband!
And I also saw lots of that broken, embedded glass in Mexico City. Yikes. That would keep me from climbing the wall!
Buenas diás:
Since you've asked. My name is Oreen and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
How did I find your blog? I asked google to send me daily information on postings with the words teach, English, Mexico. Why? Because like you I too plan to sell everything and move south.
Like you I'm also of "a certain age."
I certainly have been challenged over the last year workkng full-time and going to university part-time. I'm finished university tomorrow.
I'm having my first yard sale in two weeks. Hope to have my house sold sometime in June with a July 31 possession date.
Hope to be on a plane for the West coast, my original home is Vancouver, B.C. So, we are practically neighbours.
That's all for now.
Oh ya, by the way, I enjoy reading about your adventures.
Buenas dias Oreen and thank you for the post!
Good luck with your yard sale and with selling your house. I hope the Winnipeg market is better than ours.
And as far as our adventures go, I'm feeling "adventured out" right now, but how much fun would life be if everything just automatically fell into place??
You already know me, but you can count me in, though I haven't commented often because I've been at sea!
Those white dogs are everywhere in La Cruz, too. There's one street we call La Calle de Los Perros Rubios because everyone there seems to have a white, beige or golden poodle/Maltese/?? mix, all the way from Chihuahua size to larger than a cat.
Hi! Just passing through I found your site through sv Bliss I think your site is great and the photos good.
Take care
You know I'm reading, although I don't get to check in as often as I'd like! I wonder the same thing over at my blog... there are 90 some people reading it, but I'm just not sure who they are! :)
Fingers crossed that your house sells soon!
I've been reading blogs, and checking out links to blogs of blogs that I read, so I'm not sure how I got to yours.
I am Debi,
My husband and I moved to Merida Yucatan in Feb 2006. We sold just about everything and came down with our 'boyz' Matt and Tate. 2 cats. We are happier that we thought we could be. So do it, 'Just Do It!'
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