These are pics from the Zocalo, "La Plaza de la Constitucion", the plaza in downtown Mexico City that can accomodate 300,000 people. I believe these are the different governmental buildings around the Zocalo.

Here are the Aztec dancers that were performing in the Zocalo the day we took the bus tour of Mexico City. I wonder if they have headaches after taking off those headdresses? (Click on the photo to get an enlarged version.)

I saw many instances of this - using buckets to "hold" parking spaces. And I sometimes would see a car in a space and the bucket up on the sidewalk. I don't think that would work on Capitol Hill - the densely populated Seattle neighborhood where we used to live and parking was at a premium!

Last one. Apparently this cantina was built right around the tree that grows through the floor all the way through the roof!
Hola. Sólo quería haceros saber que he disfrutado leyendo su blog. Gracias por mantenernos al tanto de sus viajes.
Me alegro de que Mike está haciendo mejor.
¿Tiene tiempo para el almuerzo y la cena antes de que se dirigía hacia el sur?
Juliando A.Reverto
Here in Mazatlán you put a couple of buckets out when you are expecting a delivery. People are pretty respectful of the buckets since parking is so tight.
Ours have come in handy more than once.
Yellow curbs seem to be obeyed as an optional suggestion, though.
Dear Juliando A. Reverto,
Shouldnt't you actually spell your name Julianda??? You had me going for a minute...hahahahaha...yes, lunch or dinner soon!
Thanks for posting...
p.s. Isn't it Cheryl's time to buy??? And what ever happened to that idea of her renting a limo for our dinner...
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