This is the small hospital in Mexico that we came to call home. Usually there were cars parked in the parking spots as well as cars parked in the street - blocking the other cars in. Strange.

Yup - this is Mike's head. He also has a incision on his neck where the catheter was inserted.

Here's Mike with his 2 Geisha nurses giving him a bath!

This is Dr. Rincon (she will be Mike's doc when we live in Mexico City) and one of the neurosurgeons, Dr. Sosa.

This is the extraordinary tech, Carlos, who donated his own platelets so that Mike could have the initial surgery. Carlos & Miguel are now brothers forever!

Finally Mike has his appetite back!

Nurse Israel knew very little English and Mike knows very little Spanish, but these 2 men developed quite a bond.
Talk about adventure travel... I have nothing on you guys. :) I am just now catching up on your whole incredible story. Big hugs to both of you. HOW SCARY! I am so glad you had good good doctors, and such good friends to help you out!
looks like you had great fun Mike! :) Hope you're feeling better soon!!!
Lots of love from everyone at FIJI HEAT! <3
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