Friday, July 2, 2010

Sunflowers in October

I have to laugh when I look back at my pics of our sunflowers and pumpkins from that first week in August. We really needed to plant our seeds earlier. And we needed more sunshine in Seattle this summer.

But HALLELUIAH we have sunflowers and we even have baby pumpkins. But I'm not sure the pumpkins are going to make it to Halloween. They keep withering and then turning brown.

That's a baby pumpkin.

So here are the pumpkins in August...

And here they are now!

The flowers are so delicate. It's hard to believe this could turn into a jack-o-lantern.

Sunflowers in August...

Sunflowers now! Notice how they grew so tall that they cover the windows? I didn't even think about that when I planted them.

Next year we’ll plant in May!

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