Deception Pass is about 95 miles north and west of Seattle. The Deception Pass Bridge (actually two twin bridges) hooks Whidbey Island to Fidalgo Island and is host to Deception Pass State Park. The Deception Pass Jet Boat Tour takes off from the little marina on Cornet Bay Road and provides a one-hour tour through the salt waters of Deception Pass.
So Saturday morning we jumped in the truck – with gloves, hoodies and umbrellas – the forecast was rain, but heck we live in Seattle – and off we went. In about an hour and a half we got to Deception Pass and found the marina.

Our gloves came in handy, but it didn't rain on our boat tour - not even a drop.

One out of the Pass area, the Captain turned it up and we headed west at a fast clip! We saw great blue heron perched on tall, green trees. We also saw harbor porpoise breaching the surface in their playful way. Although we didn’t see any bald eagles, the Captain did point out a huge eagle nest in one of the trees. He explained that the eagles mate for life and keep the same nest year after year. We also saw a harbor seal poking his head out of the water and checking us out. But alas – once again - no orca whale sightings. Maybe next year…
All too soon our hour was up and we headed up to the park to check out the vista from the bridge. And that’s when I discovered I have a bit of acrophobia (height aversion). It really made me feel weird as I was walking across the bridge trying to get the perfect picture of Deception Pass.

Beautiful NorthWest, we enjoyed our short trip and will return hopefully soon.
Birthday Wishes to Mike!
great pix cynthia! i heard about those boat rides on evening magazine and had hoped to take a tour this summer-obviously, that didn't happen. too bad you couldn't make it to the middle of the bridge. seems a lot of people have a fear of bridges even if they don't normally have a fear of heights.
did you get the pix i sent? you probably just haven't gotten around to replying. is there any chance that you can post them? i wouldn't ask but one of the bloggers i've started correspoding with couldn't open them. just a thought.
hope you're enjoying your first official week at your job. i'm so glad they hired you.
take care,
Hi Tancho! Yes, it was nice at Deception Pass. And I passed on your birthday wishes! Thanks.
Hi Teresa! Oh, that bridge is soooooo high. And I have a hard time driving on high bridges....I guess growing up using floating bridges has something to do with it. I couldn't open your pics either. ???
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