Friday, December 14, 2007

Camel Break

Wheeeewwww…I guess we didn’t realize how much work we have to do before moving!!! All morning we were packing, sorting and prepping – prepping our house for new paint, carpet, flooring, millwork, fixtures and an upgrade to the bathroom off our bedroom. In Mike’s younger days he did a lot of this sort of labor and today he said that the years have taken their toll and he is worn out! (Plus, he's still recovering from when I backed into him with the truck.)

And yet while it is difficult to throw “stuff” out, we are realizing just how unimportant a lot of our “stuff” really is. The treasures we will keep – pictures, letters, special greeting cards, Mike’s Harley stuff, my cow spot stuff (especially all the neat clothing items from Linda!), yearbooks, report cards, Pearl Jam, Jimmy Buffett and Bob Dylan CD’s. But it is challenging to image just what we’ll be able to cram into the Nissan canopy to take with us to Mexico.

Around 3:00 we finally took a break and drove into town to see the camels. You see the Duvall Church is having its 3rd annual Live Nativity for three nights this week and the parking lot is filled with vignettes that come alive at night. And one vignette includes two live camels in a “pasture.” The camels saw me coming and they walked right over to me – not scared at all. And Mike stood back wondering if they would spit at me. But they didn’t! We were the only ones there and the camels were very friendly.


Unknown said...

I remember how difficult it was getting ready to move overseas. We had a garage sale, and what we didn't sell we put out for free on the curbside. We invited friends to walk through our home and take what they wanted. We made many trips to Value Village... The last couple of days though we made a bunch of late-night covert trips to the neighboring apartment's dumpsters, and threw so many things away.

It made us realize that we really don't want to have that much "stuff" again. It's easier living simply.

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

Denise - you're cracking us up with the dumpster comment!