Just in case you are wondering, our new kids are settling into Holly Hollow (our apartment, named after my mom) quite well.
The best news is that Squeak, the cat, no longer has a cat box inside! Weeks ago Mike put the cat box out on the patio and Squeak has been using it out there. Hee hee…silly cat. The goal is to eliminate it completely when the kitty litter runs out.
Squeak has also developed quite a meow – even though we were told he had no meow and that was why he was named Squeak. Following that theory, his name should be MEOW.
He also has shown his affinity toward my veggie seedlings that I have started and am growing in our office. One day I noticed little cat paw prints in the soil – arghhh! Now we keep the office door closed when we’re not home so that the seedlings don’t become deadlings. And they’ll be transplanted outside shortly so this issue will resolve itself.
Squeak does have his own SmartyKat Sweet Greens, but he's not interested!
Squeak likes attention and from time to time he uses his arms to reach out and touch us. He especially likes to do this when we are trying to see something on the TV and he blocks our view. But he is also a very cuddly, loveable cat with a good disposition and no bad habits. Good kitty cat!
Rock, the dog, is a sneaker. He is so stealth in the way he tip-toes around us and we don’t even realize he’s there. He can go from the living room, pass me in the hallway and wind up in the bedroom and I seriously did not even see or feel him go by! It’s almost spooky.
And Rock loves to eat! It’s almost like he is always starving. The vet said his weight is good (he’s 64 pounds) and he has a solid middle so he’s not starving by any means…I just think he enjoys a good meal. We got him some doggie treats and Mike uses them when he’s teaching Rock commands.
Rock goes with us in the truck everywhere we go. Sometimes we put him in the truck’s canopy, but most of the time he’s right there with us in the extended cab. So far, so good.
One thing Rock needs to improve on is occasional barking. Ugh. There are now six dogs in our fourplex and sometimes they all get going. But he also barks when someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell and I like that. I like it that he is protecting our home.
Rock also covets attention and he cuddles up with his paw stretched out on us or with his chin lying on our leg or arm. He has a very sweet temperament, however, STRANGERS BEWARE! He already has bonded strongly with Mike and I think he would protect either of us if necessary.
Rock loves Papa Mike!
So there you have it. Our diggity dog and our kitty cat came out of a bad situation and they’re doing great! Plus, they LOVE each other. I have never seen two different species so comfortable with each other.
Beyond the heart
3 days ago
hi cynthia,
this is so odd. i know you posted this yesterday. i tried to comment but for some reason, i couldn't-the system just wouldn't let me. then i just noticed the post is now dated as if it were written today. am i losing my mind, or did you in fact post this on monday?
anyway, your babies are so cute! how nice that they both like to cuddle. that's why we all have each other right, so we can be cuddly and affectionate. i'm really glad to hear they've adapted so well.
yes, let's meet saturday. are you familiar with the place? just trying to figure out where we should meet. 11:00 works out just fine for me.
take care and i hope the rest of your week goes well.
say hi to mike.
Nice Post!
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