Sunday, March 21, 2010


A lot of our trees in Salem lose their leaves every fall and stand naked against the grey, cloudy skies of winter. And within the naked trees are the birdnests.


Tancho said...

So how do you shelter your feathered friends during the chill?

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

That's a good question! We see birds here year-round - even though it gets below freezing for a few weeks each winter. I don't know where they hide out or how they stay warm.

Steve Cotton said...

Cynthia -- Those are actually squirrel nests. If you watch closely, you can sometimes see them come and go.

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

HA! Some are for birds cause this morning I saw 2 birds come flying out of a nest in pic #3 above - nest on the middle right! I got some more pics and tried to zoom in...we'll see...the mystery continues...

Steve Cotton said...

Really! Crows do you think? That would make some sense. They love stick nest. Or maybe it's an avian housing shortage.