I'm happy to write that the 2nd surgery went very well and Mike is almost back to his normal self. The neurosurgeon spoke with me after the surgery yesterday and confirmed that all went as planned and that there were no complications! The cyst will no longer have any affect on Mike's brain - can you believe that?!
We're hoping that Mike can be released from the hospital either this afternoon or tomorrow - the sooner the better. The poor guy is going stir crazy lying in a hospital bed, peeking out the window now and then.
I, on the other hand, am walking all around the neighborhood. I even found that I can walk from the hotel to the hospital in about 20 minutes - but it takes the taxi drivers about 30 minutes. What's wrong with that picture?? I'm even begun telling the taxi drivers the correct route to take and have reduced the fares! HA
We have heard some first-hand stories about living in Mexico City and the idea of being robbed at gun point on a bus doesn't sound too inviting to me. Or coming out to our truck and having all the wheels stolen would be a shock. But, overall I don't think living here will be much different than living in any large city. We'll just need to pay attention and take it all in stride.
There are so many things I have seen since we've been here, but I haven't been able to write about them yet. Plus, I am having challenges with my laptop so I can't upload any of the pics I have taken. But I'll share those things later...
For now, all is well here in Mexico City!
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
Wow! I'm glad to hear that your husband is fine now. Personally, if I lived in Mexico City, I probably would not have a car, what with the horrible traffic and the restrictions on driving according to your license plate number. Now, I will also admit that I have no personal experience with DF. I understand that it is an incredibly beautiful city and the museums are world class. regards,
Glad to hear that everything is going well.
Take care.
We are soooo happy to hear Mike is doing well. We have been sending positive thoughts to both of you. See you when you get back to Duvall. Hugs, terri and wes
Oh my gosh girl!!! What a way to start your adventure...I'm glad Mike is getting better. How are you holding up??? Hugs from all of us!!
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