I can't actually believe I'm writing this, but here goes...
Mike had a 2nd seizure in the hospital bed on Wed afternoon just before the docs were going to release him. But it was actually a good thing because more tests were done and we found that a cyst is growing on Míke's brain.
The cyst cannot be removed so last night the neurosurgeons inserted a diaphragm into his head so that the fluid could be drained from the cyst and relieve the pressure on Mike's brain. And it is built so that it can be drained again as necessary.
This morning Mike is recovering and all looks good. His white blood cell counts are low, but we may be able to travel home on Monday. The first thing Mike asked for when he woke up was a hamburger and coke and it made the neurosurgeon laugh.
The hospital is called Hospital Plus Med S.A DE C.V. and it is one of the numerous small, neighborhood hospitals around Mexico City. They have never had an American patient with the needs Mike has had and he has been quite a handful! But I have never met such a compassionate group of strangers that struggle with me and the language barrier. They have been just wonderful and I have stayed here the whole time with Mike - either bunking in Intensive Care (just a 1 bed room!) or in his original room upstairs.
And even people in the waiting room have expressed compassion in their best English with kisses on the cheeks. Plus, the TESOL school managers (they are the reason we traveled to Mexico City) have also been very supportive and available for our every need. Plus, it looks like we still have jobs with their school, Inter Act!!
I can't go into all of it now (I'm at an internet cafe trying to take care of business at home since our return was delayed), but I am falling in love with the people of Mexico City. And I must say that I am getting around (and using my Spanish) pretty well all on my own!!
And many, many, many thanks go out to my best friend Cheryl who helped from Seattle with my multiple requests for making phone calls and arrangements while we are away.
Lastly, it looks like a lot of people have viewed our blog since my first post about the seizure so thank you for all of the positive thoughts that have been sent our way.
The Mexican sun
3 weeks ago
I'm so glad to hear that they've figured it out and come up with a way to help Mike! You've both been in our thoughts the past week.
OH CRAP! I just read the posts about Mike. Please please know we are sending you all our best wishes. Please keep all of us posted on how things are going.
Think positive and keep on thinking positive. I will, too.
Thinking of you and hoping that things go well.
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