We’re right here in Kenmore, Washington. And we’re living the good life.
Mike’s health is excellent – even with all of the pills he has to take and the numerous doctor visits.
Cynthia loves her job and all that goes with full-time, permanent employment again!
Cynthia’s brother is doing pretty well…he had a bad few months in the hospital, but he’s recovering and almost back to par.
Our doggie, Rock, is eating well. He does, however, run off down our street every now and then – causing me to chase after him!
Our kitty, Squeak, is also eating well and sleeping quite well.
Everything is going so darn well that we’re moving forward with another goal in mind. We want to buy a house. Our “nomadic” life is drawing to an end…and while it was fun to pack up and sell everything and travel - we long for putting down roots again.
There is something about pride of ownership that we miss. We’ll never have the perfect garden, but we can grow tall sunflowers! We’ll never have the newest car on the block, but we can keep ours washed and shiny. We’ll never have the biggest house, but we can keep the gutters cleaned and the windows washed. We'll never have the biggest party at our house, but we can get to know our neighbors and be there when someone needs a hand.
Just the idea of settling in to our own place again makes me smile...stay tuned...there is more to come…
The Mexican sun
4 weeks ago
Another roving dog?
Hi Steve - YES, another roving dog!!! Three times he has taken off, turned his head to laugh at me, and RAN down the street! I guess I'm not a good "mother figure" to my doggies - they know who's the boss - them!
i'd been wondering when you'd be posting again. good hearing all is well. did you get the pix i sent last week? sorry for not answering your last e-mail, i THINK i owe you one. i'll try to write this weekend. as usual i am overdoing it and am exhausted. today will be a fun and relaxing day as we are going to another grampus game, this time in toyota.
take care and good luck with the house.
Hi Teresa! Yes, I received your Halloween pics - thank you. I had to Google Grampus to find out that's the name of the Nagoya soccer team. Hope you had a great time!
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