My job search continues. And this week I came across an employment advertisement that included the following:
Approved resumes will receive a personality and cognitive test leading towards an interview process of both a verbal and working interview.
Well, that intrigued me more than the job itself! I sent in my letter of interest and resume and following is the email response I received:
Thank you for responding to the Craigs List add (sic) for employment. You have advanced to the second round of the qualification process. Please complete the two enclosed attachments and send them back. The personality test has no right answers but obviously we are looking for a certain type of person. Have fun.
Ahhh...the personality test included a battery of multiple choice questions such as the following:
Someone cuts in front of you at the post office, You find this
Not at all annoying
Slightly annoying
Very Annoying
How important is it for you to help humans or animals that are deprived
Somewhat important
Quite important
Very important
Extremely important
Philosophical debates (what is the meaning of life)
Interest me
Bore me
The second section of the personality test had me rate myself as follows:
Rate the following statements on a 1-5 scale
Write your answer after the statement
I am romantic
I am organized
I am playful
I am assertive
I am a care giver
I am out-going
I am able to criticize others without feeling uneasy
When working on an important task with someone, I like to dominate.
I like arguing as a sport
I prefer friends that are assertive
My ideal partner should be assertive
My ideal partner should be socially outgoing
The cognitive test made me think. Hard. I found it quite challenging. Following is a taster of the questions asked. Can you answer them all correctly??
Each row of numbers forms a series. Write in the brackets the number that logically follows.
3, 6, 12 , 24, ( )
81, 54, 36, 24, ( )
2, 3, 5, 9, 17, ( )
The numbers in each row run in series. Write the two numbers that should appear in the blanks on the right-hand side double squares.
1-2 2-4 3-8 4-16
3-4 4-6 5-8 ( )
2-8 3-12 4-16 ( )
This last one was the hardest for me. It really made me think.
Each set of 4 numbers in a row follows a set of rules.
Each row follows a different set of rules.
Solve for the fourth number in the third set for each row.
1/2/3/0------2/3/4/1------4/3/2/ __ Answer
2/3/1/5------4/3/2/10-----1/2/1/ __ Answer
2/4/3/5------1/2/3/4------3/4 /2/ __ Answer
I hope you liked the sample questions. There’s nothing like a little brain candy to keep us happy!
The Mexican sun
4 weeks ago
Is this for real? Wow! How times have changed. I never had to take a personality test to get a job. Hopefully I won't ever have to work again to have to take that test, plus the math part of it, I'd definitely not pass that. Good luck Cynthia and I do mean that.:) Take care.
Yep, 2 tests before an interview. I guess it's the new way to screen out people that don't have the personality desired and/or aren't brainy enough!
I am so glad my job-hunting days are behind me. At least, I pray they are. Buena suerte.
I believe I aced the cognitive test. Now the personality test is a whole other matter...
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