My blogroll is to the right and toward the bottom of this page. It is a short list of blogs that I read and enjoy on a regular basis. As with most things, it is time for an update.
The new blogs on my blogroll include the following:
Felipe and his “tell it like it really is” stories about Mexico and his observations about life at The Zapata Tales in Pátzcuaro, Mexico.
Linda Lou, (former Starbucks barista) from Carnation, Washington, a tile and jewelry artist, who is always busy with Señor and their many projects renovating their new old house Alamos, Mexico, at Good2go2Mexico.
Gloria, the painter and lover of all things Frida Kahlo, at Viva la Vida, somewhere in California.
Theresa shares pieces of her daily life (and cooking tidbits) with Husband and Mr. Dog in Mèrida, Mexico at ¿What do I do all day?
A blog that I just began reading is written by Maya, a writer and teacher from Oregon, who is now living with her husband in rural Uraguay. She is a champion of alternative thinking and lifestyles – I am hooked on Maya Frost’s Blog.
Dat’s it. Check ‘em out!
The Mexican sun
4 weeks ago
Thanks- I love finding out about new blogs.
Oh yay! Thanks for including me. I too love to find out about new blogs. It's always fun. Have a great weekend and take care.
RCIT & Gloria - Gracias!
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