This poor, pathetic (Mike gave it a haircut weeks ago) tomato plant just won’t give up! Look at all the tomatoes on it!! It is a patio tomato plant that we brought from Salem.

And does anyone know what type of tomato this is?? It was supposed to be a patio tomato plant we got here in Kenmore, but it looks more like romas or even peppers!

This one has given us some nice, sweet cherry tomatoes for a snack, but it has produced just barely enough for a couple of salads. They sure taste good though.

Here is our white squash that has finally flowered. We’re not sure if it will have enough sunshine time to develop the squash.

The pumpkins on 8/7, 8/18 and 8/30. There are lots of flowers on them. I just hope we have pumpkins by Halloween!

And the sunflowers on 8/7, 8/18 and 8/30. We need MORE SUN!
you guys did such a great job on your garden. i do hope we will get around to growing our own next year. is there such a thing as a pear tomato? that's what that green one reminds me of.
spent a lot of time with my plants this morning. i am starting a new little venture to raise money for "cambiando vidas" a program in chacala that pays for kids' scholarships. i'll tell you more about it soon.
have a great day. in spite of the rain, i am feeling better today. sometimes it gets to me, other times it's like water off a duck's back ;-)
take care,
Nice garden M&C. Those do look like Roma and if they are, they are so good. Our tomato plants are still giving and it looks like they will be around for a while. I wish our pumpkins would grow but we never get any. Yours are doing wonderful. Thanks for sharing your great abundance. Take care, have a great day.
I love that line:
"the radishes are at a standstill"
teresa - Yes, there are pear tomatoes, but they are much smaller. It was so rainy and yucky yesterday that we built a fire in the fireplace and slow roasted pulled pork for sandwiches!
Gloria - I wonder why no pumpkins for you...your weather is so much warmer. I just hope the flowers turn to the real deal!
Anony - Those darn radishes just quit growing! I should just pull them all out, see what we got, and call it the end of the radish season in Kenmore.
I am so jealous. I could not get any of my fruits or veggies to grow. Except the one that I did not mean to grow. My papaya trees grew strong and fast after I spit out all of my seeds 1 afternoon. jaja
RCIT - JAJAJA...We have an avacodo plant that is trying to grow. Months ago we stuck the seed in water and when it sprouted, we put it in a pot of dirt. It's about a foot and a half tall now and we've pinched it back a couple of times, but it's not branching out much. I'm not sure what will happen when we have to bring it inside once the weather gets cooler. I wish it could grow strong and fast like your papaya trees!
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