It has been a crazy couple of weeks at school. Tomorrow St. Mary’s Preschool students (even the 2 year olds,) along with the Primaria and Secundaria students from Colegio Navarrete, will perform the annual Pastorela event at the Civic Auditorium here in Guaymas (5:00 if you’re interested!)
The preparation for Pastorela has been intense! Rehearsal after rehearsal, measuring the kids and having costumes created, creating props and decorations – and more rehearsals! I never know when the Music or Physical Education teachers will come into one of my classes and take my kids away for rehearsal. I have heard the songs so many times that I find myself humming them at home or when driving around town.
And yesterday the Colegio Navarrete students did a full rehearsal on the St. Mary’s Preschool outdoor stage. Wow. I guess I hadn’t realized how BIG this event is! Plus, I just found out that the teachers will be on stage, singing and dancing to the final song. Yipee! I love the stage.
Three more days of teaching, posados (Christmas parties) for the students and the teachers on Wednesday, and then VACATION until Jan 5. I am soooo ready for that. I just finished my Lesson Plans for that first week in January and I have almost made it through the toughest part of the school year.
On another note, I have created new posters and increased the reward amount for Sitka. On a suggestion from the
San Carlos Forum, I added “No questions asked” to the flyer and I plan to hand them out to Guaymas police tomorrow and plead for their help. On a suggestion from the parents of one of my students, I plan to put ads in 2 newspapers, El Impartial and La Voz del Puerto. She’s been gone for 5 weeks now, but I have not given up hope of finding her. If you have any info, please call me at 622.111.7973.